How Chinese Enrichment Classes Will Benefit Your Child

According to the Department of Statistics, 48.3% of Singaporean families use English as the primary mode of communication at home. This is a significant increase from the 32.3% recorded in 2020. More children today are exposed to English-speaking environments, resulting in a drop in the number of people speaking in mandarin and other Chinese dialects. 

The Singapore curriculum makes it mandatory for primary school children to study at least one mother tongue language (MTL). Chinese, Malay and Tamil languages are the most common. 

Most parents have turned to Chinese enrichment classes for various reasons. 

Learning Through Play

Although children learn languages easily, they lose interest quickly when they do not speak the language at home. Chinese enrichment classes make learning Chinese fun for children because they comprehend it through play. 

The teachers teach different Chinese concepts and terms during playtime. This is an excellent way of helping them remember words instead of simply memorizing them.

Learning while playing allows children to remember everything organically. Some of the interactive games used in teaching Chinese include puzzle solving, songs, and stories. Over time, your child will start relating words with play, and it will stick with them, irrespective of age. 

Your Child Learns Secondary Skills Like Communication

Chinese enrichment classes are not all about learning words and sentence structure. Instead of making it all about learning words, the curriculum for Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore will teach your child secondary skills, like communication and self-expression in the Chinese language. 

A classroom setting may not be enough for your child to build these skills, which is one reason the Chinese enrichment class is handy. Some of these secondary skills stick with your child, who gets to use them even when speaking other languages. 

Increased Social Skills

The Chinese enrichment classes bring several children learning the same language together. This helps build your child’s social skills away from the traditional school setup. 

Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore encourage group collaboration, sometimes in small groups, other times as an entire class. This increases competitiveness and excitement as children learn the Chinese language. 

Builds A Strong Foundation for Learning Languages

Once your child grasps the Chinese language and enjoys the enrichment classes, they may be more willing to learn more languages in a similar setup. The excitement of learning languages may also open up a new challenge for your child to learn other languages that may prove beneficial later in life.

Helps Improve Your Child’s Performance in School

Enrichment classes build up and supplement what your child is learning in school. It is also a chance for them to catch up if they struggle with Chinese during regular classes. Ultimately, Chinese enrichment classes will help improve your child’s grades. 

Teaches Children the Chinese Culture

The Chinese language and culture are interconnected. When your child learns Chinese, they will naturally be exposed to the culture. 

Chinese enrichment classes offer your child more significant opportunities to learn the culture, even as they learn the language. This is a great opportunity, especially if your child doesn’t get enough Chinese language and culture exposure. 

Children learn and enjoy the language when they enrol in Chinese enrichment classes. The Chinese language is colourful and full of myths and legends. Your child will be more captivated by it when they learn it organically, as often as possible.