How Chinese Enrichment Classes Will Benefit Your Child

According to the Department of Statistics, 48.3% of Singaporean families use English as the primary mode of communication at home. This is a significant increase from the 32.3% recorded in 2020. More children today are exposed to English-speaking environments, resulting in a drop in the number of people speaking in mandarin and other Chinese dialects. 

The Singapore curriculum makes it mandatory for primary school children to study at least one mother tongue language (MTL). Chinese, Malay and Tamil languages are the most common. 

Most parents have turned to Chinese enrichment classes for various reasons. 

Learning Through Play

Although children learn languages easily, they lose interest quickly when they do not speak the language at home. Chinese enrichment classes make learning Chinese fun for children because they comprehend it through play. 

The teachers teach different Chinese concepts and terms during playtime. This is an excellent way of helping them remember words instead of simply memorizing them.

Learning while playing allows children to remember everything organically. Some of the interactive games used in teaching Chinese include puzzle solving, songs, and stories. Over time, your child will start relating words with play, and it will stick with them, irrespective of age. 

Your Child Learns Secondary Skills Like Communication

Chinese enrichment classes are not all about learning words and sentence structure. Instead of making it all about learning words, the curriculum for Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore will teach your child secondary skills, like communication and self-expression in the Chinese language. 

A classroom setting may not be enough for your child to build these skills, which is one reason the Chinese enrichment class is handy. Some of these secondary skills stick with your child, who gets to use them even when speaking other languages. 

Increased Social Skills

The Chinese enrichment classes bring several children learning the same language together. This helps build your child’s social skills away from the traditional school setup. 

Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore encourage group collaboration, sometimes in small groups, other times as an entire class. This increases competitiveness and excitement as children learn the Chinese language. 

Builds A Strong Foundation for Learning Languages

Once your child grasps the Chinese language and enjoys the enrichment classes, they may be more willing to learn more languages in a similar setup. The excitement of learning languages may also open up a new challenge for your child to learn other languages that may prove beneficial later in life.

Helps Improve Your Child’s Performance in School

Enrichment classes build up and supplement what your child is learning in school. It is also a chance for them to catch up if they struggle with Chinese during regular classes. Ultimately, Chinese enrichment classes will help improve your child’s grades. 

Teaches Children the Chinese Culture

The Chinese language and culture are interconnected. When your child learns Chinese, they will naturally be exposed to the culture. 

Chinese enrichment classes offer your child more significant opportunities to learn the culture, even as they learn the language. This is a great opportunity, especially if your child doesn’t get enough Chinese language and culture exposure. 

Children learn and enjoy the language when they enrol in Chinese enrichment classes. The Chinese language is colourful and full of myths and legends. Your child will be more captivated by it when they learn it organically, as often as possible.

Benefits Of Raising Bilingual Children

The world has, over the years, become a global village where people from different countries interact easily over the internet. Today, more than ever, people who speak multiple languages have an easier time conducting business and building careers. The Chinese language has the second largest number of speakers, after English, with more than 1.1 billion speakers.

Unfortunately, many people wait until they reach adulthood to attempt to learn a second language, and it’s not usually easy. Children learn multiple languages faster than adults because;

  • Their brain undergoes rapid neural formation so that they can learn languages faster.
  • They are not self-conscious and aren’t afraid to make mistakes as they learn.
  • Children are excited and curious to learn. Adults often learn languages as a means to an end, so the pressure keeps them from learning as quickly as children.

In a bid to combat the growing influence of the English language, the Singapore primary school curriculum ensures that kids learn at least one mother tongue language in school. Additionally, Chinese enrichment classes help ensure children are bilingual.

Better Academic Results

Bilingual children tend to have better focus and are likely to perform better academically. When your child attends Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore, it boosts their creative thinking, problem-solving, and pattern recognition skills.

They will transfer these skills to other lessons in class. You’ll undoubtedly notice an improvement in how your child approaches academic problems. They will likely transfer the same curiosity in learning Chinese to other subjects, resulting in better academic performance.

Pride In Their Heritage

The Chinese language is a reflection of Chinese culture. When your child is bilingual, they have a chance to find their root and understand their heritage. Some learning centres providing Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore delve deep into Chinese culture. Your child will discover their identity, and even when speaking English, they will know that they are linked to the Chinese language.

Interaction With The Extended Family

According to Statistica, literacy levels in Singaporeans above 15 years of age is 97.3%. Singapore has one of the most educated populations in the world. However, about 283,000 people (aged 15 – 63) do not speak English.

If some extended family members can only speak Chinese, your child can still communicate with them effectively.

Boosts The Family’s Sense Of Belonging

Raising a bilingual child allows them to be part of family conversations, even with extended family members, when most of them are Chinese speakers. It also gives the family a collective sense of belonging. As a unit, the family starts identifying by their shared language. This way, over time, the child appreciates that the English language is secondary and that the Chinese language is what bonds their immediate and extended family.

Expanded Career Opportunities

Besides the immediate benefits of raising a bilingual child, you unknowingly open doors for your child’s career. When your child attends Chinese enrichment classes and can speak Chinese fluently, their communication skills are boosted, and they gain confidence in expressing their mother tongue language.

Since children lack self-awareness, they do not fear making mistakes when learning. This means they pick up pronunciation and correct grammar before being aware and sensitive to their errors.

By the time your child reaches adulthood, they will have perfected the art of speaking Chinese and not shy from using the language to advance their career when the time comes.

Attending Chinese enrichment classes will benefit your child, not just today but in the future. Even if your child shows no enthusiasm for learning Chinese, they might enjoy learning Chinese once they attend Chinese enrichment classes.

Tuition Centres versus Private Tutors

Proper education from an early age is the most precious gift parents can give to their kids. In this competitive world, children need to rise above being average to excel in education. Singapore’s culture places a lot of emphasis on education, the reason why parents are turning to tuition centres and private tutors to boost results and excel at tricky subjects like mathematics.

Parents can get confused in deciding which the best option for their children’s effective learning is. Both private and tuition centres have their advantages and disadvantages and to understand which the better option is, we need to analyze by weighing the differences.

The Student to Teacher Ratio

The biggest difference between private and tuition centres is how many students a teacher can teach at the same time. Intuition centres, the number can be as big as 20 while a private tutor teaches only one student at a time.

A private tutor devotes all attention to one student and can tailor the curriculum for that specific student. The student with a private tutor will be more focused as there are no distractions unlike a tuition centre where there is a higher probability of distractions and time may be waste with the teacher trying to discipline the class.

Effective Learning

Whether conducted in a school setting or at home private tutoring moves away from the conventional classroom setting enabling students to actively engage in the learning material. The relaxed setting away from distractions and competition builds confidence in students allowing them to voice their opinions, make mistakes without judgment and ask for clarifications.

Tuition centres have the advantage of having students with different skill levels such that students can learn from one another. This setting may help a student who is confident and outgoing. Tutors can experiment with different teaching styles to improve the interest and focus in the class.

Customized Teaching

Since private tutoring in most case is one on one basis, teachers can customize their teaching style to suit the specific needs of that student. This is especially important because every student is different with his or her strengths and weaknesses.

Every student has their own pace of learning and processing, therefore the tutor can effectively guide the student in a systematic way that ensures effective learning to bridge any learning gaps.

Comfort and Confidence

Most of the private tutoring occurs in the comfort of the student’s home where it’s comfortable and no time is wasted with travelling. This comfortable environment eradicates unnecessary stress and pressure from peers to prove themselves. Private tutors have the advantage of learning at their own pace.

Private tutoring could be beneficial to secondary or junior college students who have extended the curriculum and have chosen their speciality. There is a strong bond between the teacher and student in the context of private learning.


Private tuitions have become one of the best ways for students to get higher grades as they get extra attention and can learn at their own pace and more support to enable them to excel in their fields.

Tuition centres enable students to interact with their peers, learn from each other, build confidence, and instil a sense of competition among students. When choosing the type of tuition for your child, take into consideration their needs and how they learn when deciding on private or tuition centres for them.   

Choosing the Right Tuition Centre

Finding the right tuition centre for your kid is very crucial as it can lead to improved academic performance. A centre having more than 10 students must be registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE), which will check the academic qualifications of the tutors.

There are over 800 registered tuition centers  to choose from . That in addition to private tutors, parents are spoilt choice. There are many factors to consider before you settle on the right JC Math tuition centre.

So, how do you choose? Here are some guidelines:

Make sure it’s MOE-registered

Taking your kid to a MOE register center ensures your kid gets a quality education since the tutors are qualified. The center will have gone through the various checks by the education ministry so you can trust what they are offering. In addition, you know their business cannot be that bad since they must have at least 10 students.

Check their past performance

Do your research, read up and ask parents who have their children in the same centre. How long has the centre been in operation? How qualified are the tutors? Most centres will have a website boasting of how well their past students performed.

Tuition centres are meant to help students perform better so the instructors should know how to deal with both struggling students and the bright ones alike.

Check reviews on how these tutors teach because a bad tutor can cause more damage than good. You want teachers who are able to motivate and encourage students to learn.

Examine your child’s needs

A tuition centre has set schedules and are often quite strict about letting you make up for classes you’ve missed. Also, you have to travel to the centres and students are taught in groups.

While some students learn well in-group settings, others don’t fare so well. It’s important to access the need of your child before enrolling them.

Ask your child how they would want to do their tuition and if they would prefer private or group tutoring. If your child is prefers one to the other, it would be wise to start with one and access the progress. Remember that you can change centres if you so wish to do so.

Find one in a convenient location

Although finding the right fit for your child is a priority here, its important to find one that is not too far from where you live. For instance, a center that is too far can inconvenience both the student and the parent because a long commute takes time.

Bear in mind your child will need to go to the centre at least twice a week that could be impossible for a parent with a full time job. Consider where the center is located. Can your child commute alone or needs transport because this could be an added cost. In this case, getting a tuition centre near your home would make the commute easier


Tuition centres can get quite expensive. Do not go breaking your bank to afford a certain centre. There are many affordable centres near you that are affordable and able to give your child the best education he can get.

What We Need To Know About Math Enrichment

As early as nursery, children already learn math. They learn how to count and they learn about the basic operations as well. However, as a child advances his/her grade level, the level of math also advances. Some children might have difficulties with understanding several formulas or concepts that is why some of them are taking extra classes which could help them comprehend. Enrichment classes for toddlers Singapore are very common. These classes help to bridge the gap between the children’s differing learning abilities.

Wai Fi Yeng

Conceptions of Mathematics Enrichment

Despite the increasing amount of activity taking place under its label, mathematics enrichment is under-theorised and currently lacks a coherent framework of organising ideas. The term enrichment itself is often used commonsensically, its meaning taken as shared (Feng, 2005). This paper reports on a project which is developing a framework for understanding mathematics enrichment in the UK. Beginning with a summary of the conflicting views of mathematics enrichment found in the educational literature, this paper then presents a four-strand model for organising enrichment ideas. By way of illustration, the model is then applied to map a selection of mathematics enrichment provisions currently available in the UK. This paper ends by posing questions regarding the future of enrichment and its relationship with formal education in the light of current educational concerns and anticipated curriculum development in the UK.

Conflicting Views of Mathematics Enrichment

Conceptions of mathematics enrichment have been influenced by many of the wider debates in education ever since enrichment first began to receive attention some eighty years ago. Such debates include ones which pertain to the relative merits of special versus inclusive education, the intrinsic value of mathematics versus its utility in the modern society, as well as discussions about who should have access to what kind of mathematics education and why. Read more here.

So now we have a better understanding of why enrichment is needed, who should be enriched, where and when should enrichment take place, and if all learning can be enriched. Enrichment, though effective, should not be overdone, else it might backfire. On a different note, let us now see how M.A.T.H. workshop differs with math instruction. These two may sound like they do the same thing but let us see how they differ from each other. Core Inspiration by Laura Santos will tell us more about this.

Differentiate Math Instruction With M.A.T.H. Workshop

Differentiating instruction is one of the greatest challenges for self-contained classroom teachers. Gone are the days of whole group lessons, and assigning the same activities to the entire class. We now teach in a student-centered environment where personalized learning is key.

Fortunately, our students are more engaged and successful than with the former instructional model. Unfortunately, teachers often feel swamped by the prep, coordination, and organization required to maintain quality differentiation. The key to keeping overwhelm at bay is the use of consistent routines and frameworks like math workshop, daily 5, reader’s workshop, and writer’s workshop throughout the day.

What Is M.A.T.H. Workshop?

M.A.T.H. workshop is a framework that allows students to learn new math content each day, practice math strategies in a variety of ways, and reflect on learning through verbal or written sharing. The predictable structure of math workshop makes it easier for students to participate in differentiated activities. Read more here.

            M.A.T.H. workshop lets students learn new math concepts each day, practice math strategies in different ways, and reflect on learning through verbal or written sharing. So basically, there is a warm-up, mini lessons, a short practice, and then sharing. This routine is effective in ensuring that children understand the concepts that are taught.

Now, let us read about an article by Raffaella Nathan Charles which is about Singapore winning at the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad.

Team Singapore wins big at International Mathematics and Science Olympiad held here

SINGAPORE – Move over Joseph Schooling, there are two new sheriffs in town.

St. Hilda’s Primary School’s Drew Michael Terren Ramirez, 11, bagged a gold medal and was Best Overall in Mathematics at the five-day International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO). Team Singapore’s Lim Yu Tong was Best Overall in Science, winning a gold medal as well.

The competition, held in Singapore for the first time from Nov 20 to 24, saw Team Singapore enter its biggest team yet with 24 students, and winning one bronze, seven silver and 16 gold medals in total.

Sure, Drew and Yu Tong are pint-sized but the competition was no less intense with 309 of the brightest 10 to 12 year olds from 21 countries and regions battling it out to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematics and scientific concepts.

The first two days of the annual competition, now into its 14th iteration, saw participants diving into rigorous practice papers in Suntec City. Read more here.

Garnering one bronze, seven silver and 16 gold medals is already a very impressing achievement. Out of 309 students, they were able to beat them take home those medals. It just proves that Singapore has a very special way of teaching science and math which makes their students very good at it. Many people say that math is a very complicated subject but just look at these students, they were able to do it. We just have to identify the right way of learning math and then maybe, we could be just like these students, or at least we would be able to understand several math topics we don’t get before.

Top Advantages of Learning Mandarin

China is a nation with the highest population in the world. So, there are a large number of people who converse in this language. It has also led to the growth of various opportunities in the recent years. Following are some of the most important advantages of learning Mandarin.

Chinese is not as difficult a language as many people would like to believe

A common reaction that many people have when they speak about the Chinese language is that is it quite tough to learn. But, the good news is that this is absolutely incorrect. While there are languages that are easier to pick up as compared to Chinese, be assured that it is not the toughest language to learn as some people would tell you

For instance, this language does not have any gender or case. Plus, the grammar is quite simple. Thus, as far as the grammar complexity is concerned, Chinese as an extremely easy language to learn It does not have tough constructs such as genders and cases unlike many European languages. The language also uses tenses in a simplistic manner. Unlike many other languages of East Asian countries like Japanese and Korea, it is devoid of horrific grammar. Thus, when people learning other languages concentrate on genders and verb conjugation, you will soon realize that learners of the Chinese language can outpace people learning other languages very quickly.

Learning with the aid of computers has made picking up the language quite easy and simple

It was quite a tedious process to learn Chinese in the past. The reasons for that were endless lists of characters, poorly recorded learning tapes and big dictionaries for knowing Chinese in the professional field. But, fortunately for you, today the ways for learning Chinese are much more improved.

Computer-aided and digital techniques for learning have evolved in the last few years. Thus, today the learners of the language can take the help of excellent dictionary programs and great programs of character-learning programs like Anki and Memrise. Learning techniques aided by media are also highly useful for people to learn Chinese. Thus, all these user-friendly tools help in attaining the proficiency in Chinese easier and faster than before.

Handwritten characters have become less important due to digital communications

Chinese has also become a simpler language to learn due to the method in which character writing in Chinese is happening today. Thanks to the rapid advancements in technology, a host of popular methods for character input are being practiced in China now on computers and handheld devices. In fact, these methods are now the main way through which creation of Chinese texts is happening.

Knowledge of Chinese can open various opportunities for you

You should not simply learn Chinese since it is highly accessible and easy. There are many other benefits. In fact, today, Mandarin Chinese is perhaps the most suitable language to pick up if you are serious about getting a head start in your professional career.

The economy in China is booming

The prime attractiveness of the Chinese language is the country’s booming economy as well as its increasing scope as a global superpower. In the last three decades or so, China has arguably established itself as the biggest global economy from being simply a third world nation. The country has encouraged economic cooperation and foreign investment in the recent years. So, there is a big demand for all those people who can fill in the gap between the rest of the world and the growing China.

However, in order to ensure your young ones master Chinese, it is recommended that you put them in a mandarin class for children from a very young age.

Merits of Chinese Enrichment Classes

Mandarin Chinese is a widely spoken language since it is spoken in China, the most populous country of the world. Knowledge of this language can open up an ocean of opportunities today. So, there is little wonder that many people are taking interest in learning the language.

It is very important for your kids to get the exposure of enrichment programs right from the time they are toddlers. It is especially true for programs that are designed to conduct Mandarin class for children . These programs can offer long-term benefits for the grooming of your children. If you get your kid admitted in an enrichment course, which is a well-structured one and has a great curriculum, you can soon notice that their abilities and skills are enriched much beyond your expectations and imaginations. However, you should also note in this context that there is a host of enrichment programs that are available in the market for your children. So, selecting something that is in the best interest of your kid is quite crucial.

Helps in improving your child’s drama and speech skills

There are some enrichment programs that can benefit your kid in areas like drama and speech. Though there are various kinds of enrichment programs in the market today, these are some of the most utilized subjects in the lives of your children. The merits of a good enrichment program can have a positive impact on your child as they become adults.

Improves your kid’s ability to learn

In general, every enrichment program has a primary focus. The key focus is to enhance the ability of your kid to learn. If you want your kid to pick up some of the crucial facts related to social situations, they should be able to comprehend as well as understand proper speech. When you enroll your young child in a proper enrichment program, they can learn ways of initiating greetings; carry on conversations in a completely natural style. If your children master the art of proper speech, it becomes easier for them to respond to various kinds of scenarios and react appropriately to negative criticisms directed towards them. Your child must be equipped with pragmatic skills like idioms, descriptions, and sarcasm. When you expose your little one to well-structured enrichment programs, it becomes easier to address all these areas properly all through their life.

Creativity and improving imagination

Creativity, as well as imagination, is vital for kids. An enrichment program that helps kids to polish these skills will have a big impact in their entire lives. Many adults will realize that children possess a natural talent to be highly expressive with others and also with their own selves. When you do not provide them a chance to channelize their creativity, such natural skill may disappear as they grow up.

Admitting your young kid to a proper enrichment program, which promotes skills related to drama, can introduce them to a beautiful universe of emotional recognition, self-control, plays, story dramas and the potential to explore an array of talents that your young kid may not be aware they have in them.

While there are so many enrichment programs available to you, you should get your young kids engaged in something, which will benefit their abilities and skills that will be ingrained in them although their lives. You need to understand that every enrichment program does not offer this kind of an experience.

In fact, it is up to you as a parent to select a program that is in the best interest of your child. Skills in drama and speech are extremely critical since they enable your kid to express, articulate and communicate themselves in a positive and natural manner. Hence, you need to do a bit of homework before taking the final call on where you should get your child enrolled.

Why children will learn Chinese better when they are very young?




It is ironical that the same parents who want their children to learn Chinese hesitate to enroll them in a Chinese kindergarten in Singapore when they are quite young . Their argument is that children of that tender age should not be made to struggle for learning that language. They also fear that if such pressure is put on the minds of young kids, they will start hating the process of getting the education they need or going to school. But according to the unanimous opinion of experts, these fears are baseless. These experts firmly say that young children will not at all feel the pressure of learning. Not only that, it is their tender age that helps them learn Chinese better than the others who try to learn the language at a later stage. Let us find out the reasons behind their assertions.

Experts point out at the findings of the various researchers that have been carried out on brain science that reveal that it is the human mind and the human memory that influence how we all behave or learn. Almost all our behaviors do not start at the rational level but they start at the emotional level. At the same time, researchers admit that they still have trouble in comprehending that particular part of the human brain that inspires us to behave the way we behave.

In fact, our body and whatever it does are slaves to our mind. This includes the beating of our heart, circulation of blood, and even pumping of our endocrine system. But at the same time, the mind does not sit idle. It keeps sorting out, storing and reacting to the sensory inputs or data it receives. In other words, it always involves itself in a vast number of memory-processing activities. That is why we are able to identify colors, recollect memories, etc.

Researchers have found that all the sensory inputs pass through “amygdala,” a region of the human brain that helps in translating information in such a manner that they can be used for storage, for influencing our thought processes or for deciding our future behaviors.

If the sensory inputs are strong, the mind finds it easy to store them at the conscious level. When the inputs form memories, a physical alteration takes place in the patterns of brain cells and neurons. In fact, how a brain tissue physically changes its patterns can be observed through a high-quality electron microscope.

The more we exercise our neurons, the more will be the inter-connectivity between the brain cells. The dendrite network will also become more complex. When the pattern becomes more and more complex, more synapses will be taking place along the brain pathways. Experts have christened the phenomenon of such physical changes along the brain pathways as “plasticity” of the brain.

Researchers are amazed to find that if rich and vivid environments are made available, it will create more physical changes or more plasticity than when dull environments prevail. Researchers have also found that since young kids have more active brains that are capable of absorbing strong sensory inputs, the physical changes that happen along their brain pathways will also be much more than what it is in grown-up people. In fact, teaching languages including Chinese is a great way to provide the rich and vivid environments to the brains of young kids. So, they are certain to learn the language better than how they learn it at a later stage.

Teachers will do well if they teach Chinese to young kids using innovative ways. They should ensure that the teaching process involves providing rich and vivid environments to the children. This will help in making the sensory inputs that enter the brain of the kids stronger. If this strategy is adopted, teachers will be able to make the children learn Chinese more effectively and faster.